

温润的手工艺品充满了朴实而长久的力量,激活了许多被遗忘很久的事; 精美的画作挂在墙上,成了一面镜子,观照着人的内心;还有那些气韵生动的雕塑摆件,它们曾像珍宝,散落在各处如今被一一拾起,穿越时空讲述着自己的生命故事。将艺术搬进现实,当艺术与生活方式融为一体,生活便成为了一场庆典。


8C Gallery


The exquisite handicrafts full of long-lasting power can trigger much more stories behind them, while the finest paintings hanging on the wall seem like a mirror to reflect our inner world. Moreover, there are vivid sculptures and decorations collected as scattering treasures for telling a tale of life stories. We believe that it would eventually be a huge celebration when the art and reality fuse together.

Merging East-West aesthetic ideas to bridge a gap between conventions and the latest trends, 8C gallery space winds its way to generate a visual impact and stimulates the imagination. The artworks Infront right within immediate reach blurring the boundaries.

